palleting + depalletizing


Optimizing the of Moving Goods

Being able to accurately and efficiently move goods through a facility is of the utmost importance. Whether you need products loaded or unloaded, your facility will benefit from automating with the help of a Robotic Palletizing System. The systems are fully customizable and can handle diverse pallet configurations, assorted products and various packaging types. Do you have fragile products? That isn’t a problem, we have solutions that keep your products safe throughout the entire process of loading or unloading and moving to the next phase.



How Automated Palletizing + Depalletizing Works


Products are moved into the cell and with a vision system that allows the robot to identify the type of goods that are ready to be loaded or unloaded. Customizing the way that the load is handled ensures that spacing efficiencies and load stability are all taken into account.

robot palletizing

As products are fed into the cell via an infeed conveyor system, the robotic system is loading the area with a pallet to be palletized. As programmed the robot automatically identifies and picks one or multiple products and precisely executes distributing them onto the pallet. The robotic system is programmed to navigate obstacles and maintain accuracy of positioning. Once a layer is complete the process starts over until the pallet is fully loaded and is conveyed forward to the next stage in the processing cycle.  


Goods that are to be unloaded are delivered into the Robotic cell by an operator or pallet conveyor. The vision system scans the product to ensure that the inventory software accounts for the unloaded product. The robot then automatically depalletizes the load by full layers, rows of cases, single product cases or mixed handling which allows for assorted products to be unloaded at one time. Products are efficiently sorted or conveyed downstream into the next stage of the process.  


Minimal Product Damage | Prevents contact between products, reducing the risk of damage to fragile items

Gentle Handling | These systems can gently move fragile products such as glass and electronics

Handles Diverse Sizes | Can accomodate a wide range of product sizes and weights

Improved Quality Control | Prevents collisions - reducing risk of damage, defects or contamination

Flexiblility in Spacing | Allows for gaps between products for better control of flow

applicable products

  • Consumer goods

  • Bulky and odd shaped items

  • Products that need delicate or precise handling


  • Volumes of product

  • Size, weight and placement on pallet

  • Available facility space

  • Interaction between systems in use